Our Mission
Our reason for being is to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To do this, we teach His Word, reach out to the world with His Gospel and seek to advance His Kingdom.
We Believe
✚ There is one God — the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit who exist in unity and as three distinct persons.
✚ Jesus Christ is God’s only Son, who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died for the sins of mankind, was buried, rose again, ascended into Heaven and who will return to Earth one day.
✚ The Holy Spirit works to reveal Christ, to convict people of their sins and lead them to repentance, to give comfort and to guide believers.
✚ The Bible is God’s perfect Holy Word. It has no errors and is the authority for life.
✚ God made all people in His image. Because of Adam’s sin, all people are sinners and need salvation.
✚ Salvation is a gift from God through faith and cannot be earned. Everyone who accepts the gift will spend eternity in Heaven. Everyone who rejects it will spend eternity in Hell.
✚ Baptism by immersion after salvation is done in obedience to Jesus’ command.
✚ All believers have access to God through Jesus.
✚ The church is a local body of believers with Jesus as its head.
Service Times
Sunday Worship Service
10:30 a.m.
Small Group Bible Study
9:15 a.m.
Live streaming services
Sundays at 10:30am
Click to watch Online
Before you arrive
We want you to feel welcome when you visit, so here are a few things to know before you come see us. If it is your first time, we recommend arriving 15-20 minutes early, and park in our Visitor Parking Lot (Lot 1), which is close to our Welcome / Fellowship area.
Parking & Entry
We have several parking lots and multiple entrances, but don’t let that worry you. There are people inside who are happy to help guide you along to where you need to go.
Check out this map to get an idea of where things are before arriving.
Parking lot 1
Reserved for visitors and allows easy access to the Welcome Center and Sanctuary.
Parking Lots 2 and 3
Primarily used for access to the Preschool and Children’s areas. We have a drive through drop-off under a covered area marked “Children’s Ministry” (see photo) at our preschool/ children entrance to make arrival easier for families. This is located directly across from parking lot 3. (See image)
Parking Lot 4
This lot is close to our entrance near the front of the Sanctuary and Choir Meeting room areas.
Parking Lots 5 and 6
Primarily used to access the Student Ministry Building, also close to the original Sanctuary entryways at the steeple.
Our Student building is located just west of parking lot 6.

What should I wear?
Simply put, wear what you like! We want you to come to worship. You will likely see people in everything from suits and ties to jeans and t-shirts. We do ask that you dress appropriately for public, but God is much more concerned with the condition of people’s heart than their clothes. So are we.
What should I expect during a worship service?
Our worship services include songs, prayers, reading scripture, and preaching from God’s word. They would be considered traditional services by many. Our goal during each service is for each person to draw closer to God through worship and Biblical, expositional preaching.
What should I expect for my children during a worship service?
Your children are welcome to join you in the Sanctuary for the worship service if you would like. However, we offer age specific options for all children up to 5th grade. Our Preschool Praise Place offers a loving environment for younger children, and we have an awesome Kid’s Church for children in 1-5 grade, both during our 10:30 a.m. service. Both options include Bible lessons and intentional, age-appropriate teaching. It’s much more than just childcare.
If your elementary-aged child is dropped off for Sunday School, rest assured that the teachers will ensure they make it to Kids Church if you do not plan to pick them up beforehand. Preschool children stay in the same room during Sunday School and the worship service.
Both the Preschool and Elementary areas include a check-in process that helps ensure every child is safe and is where he/she should be. If it’s your first time visiting, it’s helpful to arrive a little early to complete the check-in process.
How will I fit in at Fort Smith First Baptist Church?
Our goal is for each and every person coming to our church to feel loved and to be a part of what God is doing with His church. The best way to fit in is to get plugged in with a Small Group or class. We have several different classes, there’s something for everyone. We want to encourage you to get plugged in as soon as you feel comfortable. Showing up at a large church can be intimidating at times, but getting involved with a Small Group is a great way to make connections and be part of what God is doing at Fort Smith First Baptist Church. Feel free to call our church office or email us to get plugged into a Small Group or class.
Do you have other questions?
Feel free to reach out – we will be happy to give answers.
Call 479.788.6100