Men’s Bible Studies

Sunday Morning


Systematic Theology

Age Range: Men of All Ages
Teachers: Tom Waller
Room: 236

The most important goal of this class is to be led by the Holy Spirit in order to understand centrally important doctrines. Members of this class have in-depth discussion with one another over what they are studying.


Men’s Bible Study

Age Range: All Ages
Teacher(s): David Burton
Room:  313

This class, a group of eclectic men from all walks of life, desire to know God and make Him known by studying God’s Word and inspiring others to do the same. 

Wednesday Evening


Men’s Discipleship

Age Range: Men of All Ages
New Season of Class Meetings Begins Sept. 6!
Teacher: Mark Hammer
When: Wednesdays 6:00-7:30 pm

Room: 307

This group of men finds great joy and blessing in their Wednesday discipleship; Wednesday’s are a chance for them to press pause in the middle of the week and “Be still and know” as God commands in Psalm 46:10. They are learning to listen to what God is saying and to respond through obedience.