Promise Place Preschool
We love our kids!
Our goal at FSFBC Promise Place is to partner with parents to lovingly reach, teach, and disciple our children for Jesus Christ. We understand the importance of laying strong spiritual foundations during these formative years. We have age graded classes for all of our Preschoolers Birth- Kindergarten where children are nurtured and taught the Bible on their level. From the moment you drop off your child until the moment you pick them up, they will experience a loving, safe, age-appropriate environment designed just for them!
Click on one of the options below to find out more about our Sundays, Wednesday Nights, and Mother’s Day Out.

Sunday Mornings
9:15-10:15 am – Sunday Morning Bible Study. Age-graded for all Preschool children birth through Kindergarten.
10:30 am – ETC teaching care for birth to 3 year-old classes. Praise Place Preschool Children’s Church for children 4 years through Kindergarten.
6:00 pm – Childcare for babies and toddlers. Friendship club for 2-3 year-olds. Adventure Land for 4 years-Kindergarten.
Safety is a Priority at FBC
We know that your child’s safety is important to you and keeping our Preschoolers safe is a priority for us! We have many safety features in our Preschool facility such as:
- Security Guards
- Security Cameras
- State of the art security doors
- Matching security tags for parent and child
- Parent pagers for specific concerns
- Sanctuary paging system
- Background checks on teacher and volunteers
- Always two or more teachers or volunteers with low student/teacher ratios
- Security intercom in every room linked directly to Preschool Office
- Preschool Office Personnel on duty at ALL services
- Mirrored windows on all classroom doors
- Secure gated entrance and exits to the Playground directly from Preschool
Tips & Reminders
- Please label all of your child’s belongings (including pacifiers and sippee cups) this will help us better keep track of your child’s items.
- Diaper bag tags and labels are available in desk outside of baby rooms or in the Preschool Office.
- Please prepare your child’s bottle in advance.
- If your child has any allergies or other medical needs, please notify your child’s teacher and the Preschool office. We serve Ritz Crackers and Apple juice to toddlers-kindergarteners as a snack in Preschool. Other snacks should be posted by the teacher. Please notify us of any concerns or allergies.
- Please bring 2- 3 diapers and an extra change of clothing as needed for your child.
- If your child is potty-training, please send him/her in a training diaper until training is successfully completed.
- Toys and other “possessions” are best left at home unless they are a “security” item such as a pacifier, blanket, etc.)
- Children cry sometimes when being left by parents. We understand and expect it. It is a normal, healthy show of preference for parents. In most cases, crying stops a few moments after you leave and becomes less common with regular attendance. We are happy to work with you as your child adjust to his or her new surroundings. Give them a little time and they will feel confident and secure and love coming to their church!
Nursing Mother’s Room
We have two nicely furnished rooms available for our nursing mothers. They are located in the back of our baby rooms (1-4). For everyone’s privacy, these rooms are for women only.
Parent & Child Dedication Services
First Baptist church observes parent and child dedication services on an individual basis. We are delighted when God blesses our church with new life! This is a special time when our parents present their babies to the church, thanking God for the new life and dedicating themselves to raise their child for Jesus Christ. The Pastor will lead the congregation in a prayer of dedication for your family. If you are interested in dedicating your child, contact the Preschool office at 479.788.6180 for more information.
Volunteer Opportunities
Our Preschool Ministry is always seeking additional volunteers who love children and want to make a difference in the lives of Preschoolers. Because of the many hours Preschoolers are in Promise Place, we need all of our parents to volunteer if at all possible. We love to have grandparents and other volunteers too! For more information please call the Preschool Office at 479-788-6180.
Expecting a Baby?
If you are expecting a baby, congratulations! The Preschool Ministry of First Baptist Church would love to begin ministering to you even before your baby arrives. Call or come by the Preschool Office and let us know when to expect your little one. We will contact you with a special gift from Preschool and some important information about Promise Place.